Vedra za živila: 11L, 5L / Foodstuff buckets

Vedra za živila: 11L, 5L / Foodstuff buckets

Vedra za živila: 11L, 5L / Foodstuff buckets

Vedra za živila z volumnom 11L in 5L (na sliki). Izdelujemo še nekaj drugih modelov med 1L in 20L. / Foodstuff buckets with a volume of 11L and 5L (pictured). We also produce other models with volumes between 1L and 20L.
Večkomponentni izdelki / Multi-component products

Večkomponentni izdelki / Multi-component products

Večkomponentni izdelki / Multi-component products

Brizgamo ohišja elektronike, kjer je na kontaktnih površinah dodana komponenta iz termoplastičnega elastomera. / We mould electronics housing, wherein at the contact surfaces is added component of a thermoplastic elastomer.
Izdelamo in etiketiramo vedra / We produce and labell buckets

Izdelamo in etiketiramo vedra / We produce and labell buckets

Izdelamo in etiketiramo vedra / We produce and labell buckets

Proizvajamo vedra za kemično in prehrambeno industrijo. Po želji lahko tudi oblikujemo etikete in vedra etiketiramo. / We manufacture buckets for the chemical and food industry. Optionally, you can also design labels and applied them.
Etiketiramo tudi po celotnem obodu / We can also labell over the entire circumference

Etiketiramo tudi po celotnem obodu / We can also labell over the entire circumference

Etiketiramo tudi po celotnem obodu / We can also labell over the entire circumference

Vaša vedra so lahko etiketirana po celotnem obodu ali pa s sprednjo in zadnjo etiketo. / Your buckets may be labeled along the whole circumference, or just on the front and rear.
Večji izdelki / Bigger products

Večji izdelki / Bigger products

Večji izdelki / Bigger products

Izdelke brizgamo na strojih z zapiralno silo do 650 ton. / We can mould products on machines with clamping force of 650 tons.
Kompleksni plastični produkti / Complex plastic products

Kompleksni plastični produkti / Complex plastic products

Kompleksni plastični produkti / Complex plastic products

Izdelali smo že mnoge komponente tehničnih izdelkov. / We have made ​​many components of technical products.
Komponente za inštalacije, proizvodnjo in druge namene / Components for Installation, production and other purposes

Komponente za inštalacije, proizvodnjo in druge namene / Components for Installation, production and other purposes

Komponente za inštalacije, proizvodnjo in druge namene / Components for Installation, production and other purposes

Imamo preko 20 let izkušenj z različnimi orodji in materiali. / We have over 20 years of experience with various tools and materials.
Brizgamo izdelke po naročilu / We mould products to order

Brizgamo izdelke po naročilu / We mould products to order

Brizgamo izdelke po naročilu / We mould products to order

Obvladujemo težave s površinami vizualno izpostavljenih izdelkov. / We manage problems with visual exposed surfaces on products.

Injection molding

If you already have a mold we can offer the service of injection molding - on injection molding machines with a clamping force up to 650 tons. We also offer mold design in collaboration with partner mold makers.


We manufacture plastic buckets volumes between 1L and 21L with lid and handle. They are suitable for the food industry, chemical industry, and more.

Tel.: +386 41 626 907